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Celebrated as the passage from Winter to Spring, Imbolc is the time when the earth begins to awaken almost imperceptibly.  With the weather we are getting at the moment you’d be forgiven for thinking that Spring is still a long way off.  But in Pagan tradition February 1st was the beginning of the year for preparing the ground for sowing of crops as the earth slowly transforms from Crone to Maiden.  Days getting longer by ‘the length of a crows foot’ encourage the tiny shoots of new growth and very soon crocuses start to peep through the cold and sodden earth gladdening us with thoughts of longer days and shorter nights ahead.

Imbolc, also known as Brigids Day after the Celtic goddess of Healing, Midwifery, Poetry and making of useful items, has Celtic Pagan origins and is one of the four Fire festivals.  Brigid is also associated with cleansing and the colours white, yellow and red.
